Don't reinvent the wheel, focus on what matters

Customize your tech stack and we set it up for you. Building a full-stack application has never been easier

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Pick the architecture you need

With 100+ components, you can bring together everything you need to kickstart your application

Built for customization

Configure your application to the way you want it to be with any framework, integration, or API

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Feltpack Options

Get up and running... fast

Add whole stack functionality to your application with the click of a button

Build With

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Start with a popular template

NextJS and Tailwind

Multi-page application with server-side rendering, powered by the most popular utility-first UI framework

MERN Stack

MongoDB, Express, React, and NodeJS. Simple and powerful full stack application

Serverless Email Sender

Run Sendgrid on AWS Lambda to send emails on specific events or on a scheduled basis